give arm




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1·I'll give you one pound an hour, if you will carry a brick under your arm and walk around the square for five hours without stopping.
2·In some hospitals, it's routine to give all women in labor an iv, a flexible catheter placed in your vein (usually in the back of your hand or lower arm) to drip in fluids and medication.
3·He said if Pakistan is going to arm local militiamen, the success or failure of the program will depend on who has the power to make key decisions, and exactly who they decide to give the weapons.
4·Playing with a G1 phone yesterday, courtesy of ARM, I started hunting for a note-taking app so as to give the keypad a decent workout.
昨天我真正玩 G1 手机 (感谢 ARM 倾情提供) 我准备找一款记录备忘录的软件 想让手机键盘锻炼一下.
5·Anybody else would have resorted to a market-based auction process knowing that companies would give an arm and leg for precious spectrum.
6·But you're right, I can barely see the players. I would give my right arm for some binoculars.
7·"We're not kidding," says one robber. "Give me the bag!" And he grabs Pippi's arm hard.
8·Huang didn't give any further details about Project Denver, including which ARM architecture it's based on or when the chip will be released.
9·"You are obviously highly favored, " said Hastur maliciously. "I imagine Ligur here would give his right arm for a chance like this."
10·Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?